Mark 9:2-8

26 days after that, Jesus asked Peter, James and John to go with him. Jesus led them up a high mountain, where they were alone together. Peter, James and John saw Jesus change in front of them. 3His clothes became very white; they were shining. They were a brighter white than anyone on earth could wash them. 4Then Elijah and Moses appeared in front of the 3 disciples. Elijah and Moses were talking with Jesus.
9:4 Moses had lived a long time ago. He was a leader of God’s people. He died about 1400 years before Jesus was born. We can read about Moses in the book called Exodus.
9:4 Elijah was one of God’s special servants who spoke God’s messages to the people. He lived about 850 years before Jesus was born. He was still alive when God took him up to live in heaven. We can read about Elijah in the book called 1 Kings.

5So Peter said to Jesus, ‘Teacher, it is good that we are here. Please let us build three huts. One hut will be for you. One hut will be for Moses. And one hut will be for Elijah.’ 6Peter did not really know what to say. That was because the 3 disciples were very afraid.
9:6 Peter and his friends wanted to build the huts so that these important people could stay with them longer. But God did not want them to remain on the mountain. God sent these two men to talk to Jesus. They talked about the things that would happen in Jerusalem. Jesus would die on a cross there. We can read about that in Luke 9:31.

7Then a cloud appeared and it covered them all. A voice spoke from the cloud and it said, ‘This is my Son, and I love him. Listen to him.’

8At that moment, the three disciples looked round. They saw that nobody else was there now. Only Jesus was there with them.

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